Auto grades - quest...
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Auto grades - question

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I’ve started a collection on items associated with players who passed through (on their way up to, but sometimes out of) Bloomington, IL on their way to the big leagues. I’m having a great time doing it. There are some big names (Old Hoss Radbourn - cost prohibitive; Clark Griffith - surprisingly affordable; and Burleigh Grimes - also affordable) but many fellas only had a cup of coffee or had solid, if not spectacular careers, so their cards and autos are very affordable. The plan for this will be for it, in whole or in part, to end up at our local history museum. I’ve been able to find signed index cards from several players already. I’m spending between $5 and $20 on these. I’m not an sig expert, but I try to compare them to graded examples, and am fine taking an informed risk with $5. 

All of that to say, I do think I would like to get the pieces authenticated, if they’re going to a museum. I know some museums do not want pieces slabbed (was that in a Cardhound article???), so I’m thinking about getting the PSA/DNA sticker on them.

Any other suggestions? That’s my first thought. 


Matt Felumlee
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Hey Aaron! Here are a couple of affordable options--you can also do these BEFORE you buy in the future. 1) You can send a pic and $10 to Beckett for a Quick Review. This isn't a full COA but it would suffice for your purposes I think. Also, there is a facebook group called "Out Or Safe?"that will review for a small fee, or for free if it is a personal collection item. If yours are planned donations I'm sure they would review them for free. They are postwar--but might have some prewar expertise. 

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@chvadmin this is perfect. Thank you, Matt! I like the $10 option…I def think that will suffice.

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I submitted 2 pieces: Elam Vangilder on an index card and a collage I made and sent to Hank TTM as a kid! I’ll

IMG 9771
IMG 9775
IMG 9773

 give an update!
