Back with a couple more questions...
1)79 Ozzie, the front centering isn't terrible, but there is a "tilt"... And the back centering is off. Thoughts on how the "tilt" and back would influence the possible grade?
2) 68 Rose with some red coloring at the top of the card. Centering doesn't look that off. Ideas on the red coloring (just cause a bit off-center) and what that may do to a potential grade?
Thanks for any thoughts/insights you may have...
Again, sorry I missed this! PSA gives explicit front AND back centering guidelines, which is handy. For example, a PSA 5 "must be" 90 / 10 or better on the back. Back standards are relaxed compared to front, but can't be miscut. The red might just be some bleed--or could be a stain. Another thing to consider: the most important factor of grading is understanding a card's weakness. For example, the corners on the Rose are a bit rough and would limit the grade more than the centering would in this case.